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   Champion Development

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  Are you ready to take your basketball skills to the next level? Look no further! We specialize in transforming beginners from stuck and confused to clear and confident in their skills and their understanding of the game of basketball.

"Success Stories"

 My performance on the court has increased significantly after participating in the skill development program. It has made me a more valuable player and teammate who can produce offensively and defensively.

I have probably made the most progress on on-ball defense and physicality, which helps me to impact the game drastically. 

The coaching methods are straightforward and helpful.

It helps the player understand what mistakes they may be making or how to improve their strengths.

The support from the skill development team is top-tier.

They point out the small details that can improve your game and make you a better player overall.

They encourage you through every drill and exercise 

-Jerald Peals

3x State Champ, Tournament MVP


 Participating in camp high free has tremendously improved my on court performance, it has helped me become a All around basketball player, it has helped me win 2 state championships and I've been named to multiple all state teams from just training with coach Thomas and being at camp high free. Also in just life it has helped me connect with others and learn how to be a man through our talks. The specific area I feel like I’ve made the most improvements is my ability to finish at the rim and split defenders as well as my playmaking ability. The coaching methods at camp high free are great in my opinion, it pushes you to be better and learn faster from the sayings that he has and the enthusiasm that he shows really helps and it shows you that he genuinely cares to help you grow on and off the court.


-Kalib Thomas

2x State Champ, Tournament MVP, Multiple All-State Awards, College Opportunities


We had the pleasure of working with Coach Thomas this year. My son, who was 16 really improved his game on the court physically and mentally through high-intensity reps and training.

  My son made his biggest progress mentally as a result of the program. Confidence is such a huge factor in the game.

 The coaching is based on the whole individual. Mental and physical training was very good. Coach Thomas pushes the kids to play at a high-intensity level to prepare for competition at any level. Very well received by my son and others I witnessed train with him. Highly recommend.

-Ronstead Claughton



Participating in the high-free Champion Development Academy has helped me better improve my jump shot as well as my vision on the court. It has also led to me being able to have better stamina throughout games. 

 I feel like I have made the most progress in strengthening my left hand since joining the program. I used to have trouble shooting with my off hand but now I can shoot with my left hand. 

  I would describe the coaching methods as them breaking it down in a way for your child to better understand the material. 

-Devin Ford


 This program has helped me build my confidence in the game of basketball and in life. The lessons that have been taught have helped me see life differently and change my mindset to reach my goals. The progress I have seen in my game is my confidence, aggressiveness, left hand, and critical thinking. I would describe the coaching methods and support as fantastic as I have seen a gigantic improvement in the way I approach the game of basketball.

-Devyn Drake


My time in the high-free program has helped me in more ways than I can express. Not only on the court but also off the court. It taught me what it means to be a leader and how to work hard to achieve what you want. I would say the biggest thing that I developed at the camp was my ability to not just be a set shooter. The camp helped me to be a shot creator and be able to play in the flow of any offense. My ballhandling was also a major point of improvement. This training took me from a spot-up shooter and turned me into a shot-creating two-guard with some dawg defense. Playing against Mr. Thomas’s son has made me a lockdown defender. The fact that I won the defensive player of the Year this year shows how much he helped with that. Overall the camp is an invaluable experience that anyone should have. It will not only teach you how to improve your game but also how to be a man.

-Jackson Dickey

3x State Champ, All-State, Defensive Player Of The Year


 Working with High-Free has helped me learn the fundamentals so not only at the camp I can get better but also when I'm at home I can really work on specific areas of my game. 

 I feel like I have improved in my ball handling mainly but also in my ability to use my left hand not only in dribbling but also shooting and finishing.

 The sessions are great, I love the fact that we always had to do the drills right or we would all have to start over. It taught me to take the drills seriously and to do my best in every part of my game. The coaches were tough on us but always did it because they knew we could do better, but always encouraged us when we did something right. This camp really taught me the fundamentals of basketball but also helped me learn the meaning of a team. I really enjoyed this camp and recommend it to anyone who needs to learn the game of basketball and the importance of a team.

-Josh Everett

3x State Champ, Offensive player of the year


Since joining HF Hoops, I have seen great improvements in my son's court awareness. He's able to read the defense to attack defenders to give him an advantage over his opponents. I feel his finishing at the basket has improved tremendously since joining this program. He's learned how to attack angles with balance to increase his percentage of finishing at the basket. HF hoops are more than basketball. They learn life lessons that will help the kids be successful outside of basketball. I will encourage anyone who wants to learn basketball and life lessons to join HF hoops.

-P.J Billingsly



Participating in the basketball skill development program really improved my confidence, because spending time every day practicing the fundamentals and just getting a lot of reps really got me more comfortable and relaxed on the court.

  Since joining the program, I have made the most progress with my ball-handling and shooting skills.

  The coaching is awesome because the players are being pushed to the best of their abilities. Also, the saying "U vs U" is being told, which means your biggest opponent is yourself, and the only person that can make you give up is yourself. 


-Trae Harris

State Champion


My son has had a great experience. He has become a better defensive player. Coach Thomas did a wonderful job helping him to better understand the game and pay attention to the details 

-K Camp 



This program has really helped me learn and have an overall feel for the game of basketball. I have learned to become a playmaker and overall scorer.

  I have made the most improvement to my defense and my shooting ability.

  I really enjoy the coaching because it’s not just someone yelling and telling us what to do it’s someone helping us understand how to play the game of basketball. I also enjoy the mental side of the coaching as well.

-Jordan Beckham

Expert Coaches

 Expert Coaches: Our skilled and knowledgeable coaches have years of experience in the basketball industry. They will guide you through every step of the training process, ensuring you reach your full potential.


Customized Training Programs

Customized Training Programs: We understand that every player has unique strengths and weaknesses. Our training programs are designed to address your specific areas of improvement, helping you maximize your skills.

 Personalized Attention: We believe in individualized attention for our players. Our small training groups allow our coaches to focus on each player's progress and provide valuable feedback.

Why Us?


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By submitting this form, you are taking the first step towards enhancing your basketball skills and joining a community of like-minded individuals. Our team of experienced coaches and trainers will provide personalized training sessions tailored to your specific needs.

a basketball player with a quote on the picture that reafds, "Sweat now, Shine later!
basketball player with a quote that says, " you don't have to be great to start but you must start to be great!
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